Alaska is full of great postcards, and this was my favorite.
Traveling up to Anchorage from Omaha was a great experience.
My parents flew into Anchorage the morning of my final day in Alaska.
My uncle and grandpa had canceled their tickets so that they could fish with my parents and spend another day with Martin.
I left in the evening, and I gave the van keys to my parents. After a day of fishing, they would head to the wilderness west of Denali for sheep hunting. The van would remain in Anchorage until they returned from camp.
I carried a lunchbox packed with frozen salmon.
When I arrived in Denver early the next morning, my family was already out fishing, and I had missed my connecting flight to Omaha. The next available flight would be eight hours later.
The salmon was melting. I was frantic. KFC wouldn’t hold my salmon in their refrigerator, neither would Burger King. I rushed to every restaurant. Finally, an airport bar let me use their freezer.
I’d love to drive to Alaska again. I’ve heard the Stewart-Cassiar Highway is even more beautiful than the Alcan. Had I been driving both ways, I would have returned to Omaha by the Cassiar.
I guess I’ll have to go back and do it again.