Saturday, February 16, 2008

Denali - Better View than I Deleted

We drove out of our way, looping north through Fairbanks, to visit Denali National Park. Denali offers some amazing backcountry camping options, where you can camp at the base of North America’s tallest mountain (sometimes referred to as “Mt. McKinley”).

The weather was soup during our summer drive through the area. Towering rock occasionally peeked through the clouds. But I never did see the peak. This is typical for the area in summer, Martin said. However, when it’s cold and clear in the winter, he said you can see the mountain from Anchorage.

We drove as far into the park as we could, but after a few miles, only special vans are allowed further into the wilderness to load and unload campers.

I’d love to take the day-trip in, and stay for a few weeks.

My father eventually caught his sheep on the western edge of the park.

Unfortunately, I accidentally deleted all my photos from between Delta Junction and Anchorage.

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